Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Nurses and Family

I want to briefly talk about the NICU nurses and family while Cam was in the hospital.  As far as the nurses go, we really can’t say enough about them.  We liked all of our nurses.  Everyday they would update us on Cam’s condition and sometimes tell us what he did for the day or how cute he was.  They were our eyes and ears when we couldn’t be there.  A few of the nurses we came to grow close to and confide in.  I cannot tell you how much of a comfort that was to me.  We trusted them completely.
At one point I did get angry (part of the grieving process preemie moms go though) at them.  I was upset that these women got to spend everyday with MY BABY.  It wasn’t fair, he was mine.  They were the ones that got to be with him and take care of him 24 hours a day.  I eventually got over that and learned to appreciate them but sometimes it was hard.
My family and friends were as supportive as they could be.  They came to visit Cam and it was nice.  I liked being able to show him off. He was our miracle.  It was hard to handle some of the remarks that were (unintentionally) made sometimes.  We knew he was small, we knew he looked human.  You really just can’t understand how a preemie mom feels hearing those things OVER and OVER.  She doesn’t want her baby to be “different” or “have special needs”.  She doesn’t want everyone to point out how small he is whenever she goes out.  “No, nothing is wrong, he just needs to grow.”  She doesn’t want to have to explain her whole birth experience at the grocery store to some random stranger.  Every time someone made a comment I had to relive certain moments.  It was mentally exhausting.  We are very proud of how far Cam has come.

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