Friday, December 9, 2011


I thought I would interrupt my incessant writing to bring you to today.  I can already tell you writing this blog has been a journey for me, that’s for sure.  I have become so emotionally lately.  Last night I was talking to Andy about Cameron and as soon as I really thought about him, I teared up.
I’m turning into a big mushy pile of a mom.  Great.
I’m 15 weeks 1 day today and my fears are starting to really surface now.  I’m trying not to let things get to me, I am just trying to push through.  I can’t help but think, 15 weeks from this point, we could have another Cameron. A preemie.  The worse yet is that it could happen sooner than that.  I think about this everyday now.  I’m trying not to let it overwhelm me though.
A nurse called from my doctors office or somewhere to confirm my health history yesterday for coverage to get the progesterone shots.  She said they will start them at 16 weeks.  I will be 16 weeks on the 22nd.  Scary.  This pregnancy is going by so fast. I am starting to feel physically better though.  I really still can’t eat dairy BUT I also don’t feel like I want to vomit all the time anymore so, that is a good compromise to me.  I am still am just as tired.
Looks like things are being finalized at my house, we are getting our hardwood floors refinished.  We have been back and forth with 3 companies in the past week or so and my brain hurts from all the decision making.  I think we have finally chosen our company and the project will be planned to start on 12/26.
We have SO much crap to do to get ready.  All of our bedrooms, living room and the kitchen have to be cleared out in addition to us, the dogs, and the cats.  I guess we will be living in a hotel for a few days. That might be a nice break.  I need to find a pool and a long dress to wear in it to hide my growing body lol.
Once our floors are done I will post pics. Andy is also going to start working on the baby room.  We have plans but it will be a surprise!  Once it’s done, I’ll make sure to post pics.
Have a good day!

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