Our original plan was to get pregnant/starting try 1 year after the first. A few months before July Andy and I had starting talking about it, I was terrified. In August of this year we decided to go for it (despite some bumps we hit in the road). I knew I would be high risk and that I would be on p17 (progesterone) shots. I was ok. October 13th I took a test, it was positive. I was surprised. It only took two months! I called my OB, they wanted an ultrasound at the 6 week mark so I set the appointment.
During our ultrasound, our tech asked when my last cycle was. I said September 14th (this was the first one I had since being off of Mirena). Turns out, I was 9 weeks. Surprise! The same month my birth control was taken out, I got pregnant.\So here we are now, I’m 16 weeks. This pregnancy has hit me hard in all aspects, a complete 180 from Cameron. I’ve so far experienced all the worst symptoms. I’ve had morning sickness, extreme exhaustion, headaches, nose bleeds, extreme emotions, food aversions and not able to eat dairy (makes me sick). Fun stuff. Andy thinks it’s a good sign and a lot of people are saying this one is going to be a girl because it’s going so differently. The food aversion, headaches and exhaustion have all stayed with me. The nose bleeds are new to this tri. I’m down 6.5lbs which I’m not worried about. I have a few extra LBS right now anyway and I think the weight loss is due to my healthier diet. Maternity clothes are still loose on me but my regular clothes are getting tight. I feel like I’m in the “fat” stage right now, just not comfortable with my body yet.
I had my last OB appointment on Dec. 2nd. This is our plan to keep #2 cooking!
The plan is as follows:
At the 14 week appt, she performed the fetal fibronectin swab (she said this generally isn't accurate until about 24 weeks + but wants to start them now in hopes that if one comes up positive that I can be put on bedrest immediately). Every 2 weeks this will be repeated.
In 3 weeks, I am going to an MFM to have the measurements done, sex determined and to have my first cervical measurements done (yay! we get to find out before xmas!) This U/S will be repeated on an opposite two week schedule from the FFN test. So I will either be at the OB or the MFM every two weeks.
Starting at 18 weeks, we will start the 17p shots once a week (she said I didn't exactly fit the category of women that they do this in but it may help? not sure exactly what that means since DS was born 10 weeks early with 3 weeks of premature labor leading to that point).
At any point, if my cervix starts to change, I will have to get a cerclage.
Starting at 30 weeks, I will be seeing her EVERY week.
We are anxious/nervous about #2 but I feel very optimistic about our plan and I'm going to try to relax as much as possible.
It's really crazy to think 14 weeks from now, we could be in the hospital having #2. I know, I know. I can't think like that and I'm really trying not to, but it is a very humbling thought. I never realized just how fast little ones can be welcomed into this world. I'm praying for the best.
The plan is as follows:
At the 14 week appt, she performed the fetal fibronectin swab (she said this generally isn't accurate until about 24 weeks + but wants to start them now in hopes that if one comes up positive that I can be put on bedrest immediately). Every 2 weeks this will be repeated.
In 3 weeks, I am going to an MFM to have the measurements done, sex determined and to have my first cervical measurements done (yay! we get to find out before xmas!) This U/S will be repeated on an opposite two week schedule from the FFN test. So I will either be at the OB or the MFM every two weeks.
Starting at 18 weeks, we will start the 17p shots once a week (she said I didn't exactly fit the category of women that they do this in but it may help? not sure exactly what that means since DS was born 10 weeks early with 3 weeks of premature labor leading to that point).
At any point, if my cervix starts to change, I will have to get a cerclage.
Starting at 30 weeks, I will be seeing her EVERY week.
We are anxious/nervous about #2 but I feel very optimistic about our plan and I'm going to try to relax as much as possible.
It's really crazy to think 14 weeks from now, we could be in the hospital having #2. I know, I know. I can't think like that and I'm really trying not to, but it is a very humbling thought. I never realized just how fast little ones can be welcomed into this world. I'm praying for the best.
Now, we are officially caught up, please feel free to ask any questions!
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