Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Well, I’m on my way to 17 weeks (Thursday) and everything is finally starting to fall into place.  I have my first 17p shot tomorrow. OUCH!   The nurse will come to my work, so that’s nice.  My 1st ultrasound with maternal fetal medicine is at riverside on Thursday.  I’m really excited.  We will hopefully find out what we’re having.  Our plan is to have the doctor write down the sex and put in an envelope so that we can open it on Christmas.  I can’t wait to find out!  We have a plan for the baby’s room but I won’t say anything until we find out for sure.  My official prediction is that it’s going to be a boy!  We will see!
I am a little nervous about the ultrasound.  I am praying that I don’t have any cervical changes.  My changes didn’t start with Cam until the preterm labor started so, hopefully everything is good!  I do not want a cerclage (a suture that is placed to hold the cervix closed)!
I’ve had a pretty crappy day today.  I woke up this morning late, followed by it being cold and rainy outside and now I have a horrible headache. 
The plan for the floors is now in motion, we have done nothing but clean and move stuff all weekend.  All of the heavy stuff is being moved today which means we will be sitting on bare floors until the 31st or so.  It will be an adventure of sorts.  Maybe we will set up the tent we bought several years ago that has never been used.  Cameron would like that I’m sure!
I’m going to go for now, I will post an update on Thursday or Friday!

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